Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Ruger 22/45, as much fun as you can have with a handgun

Hey friends, just want to tell you about one of my all time favorite pistols.  It's the Ruger 22/45.  My model is a Mark II version and I picked it up used, in around 2008.  This model  has a beautiful 5" bull barrel and accuracy is excellent.

Some say it's a little heavy for them, but in my opinion it approximates the weight of a duty handgun while allowing you to shoot .22 LR, the cheapest ammo available.   It's a great trainer pistol and can also be used well in competition.  My pistol sports the included scope rail and standard sights, but the availability of accessories is almost endless.  you can't kill this pistol with normal use.  I've sent at least 10,000 round down this barrel.
The worst wear is near the barrel face and I've yet to have it affect safety, reliability, or accuracy.

One of the benefits of my old soldier is she's built like a tank and will eat any .22 LR, from cheap bulk box to expensive match grade ammo.  As a matter of fact, this pistol is so well made, the difference in accuracy between the bulk and match ammo is less than an inch.
At 7 yards, I get about a 2" groups with bulk ammo, with the occasional flyer.  With match ammo I can keep it around an inch if I concentrate.

There are some things to keep in mind, if you're considering this firearm.
Number one, she needs to be run clean & wet.  After about 250 rounds, either douse her bolt with oil or end your session, because she will begin to jam.  Second, take care of your OEM 10 rd mags with this pistol, the coating isn't that great and they will collect surface rust in humid climates.

Finally, the complaint that all 22/45 owners have, the assembly.
Taking down the pistol is so easy, anyone can do it.  Field strip and cleaning takes minutes.  But the reassembly is a relentlessly complicated.  You literally have to hold it upside down, shake it, point it in the air, pull the trigger, insert the mag and take it out...etc.  It's like the hokey pokey of reassembly.  It kills me every time and I find myself having to watch a YouTube vid and follow along, just to reduce my frustration.  Beside that debacle, it's a great firearm, one I'll pass down to my grandchildren, so they can hokey pokey on their hoverboards, or whatever future kids do, lol.  I'll post some links to accessories below.  What's your favorite .22LR pistols?  Let us know in the comments.  Cheers

Useful Accessories

Fiber Optic Front Sight

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